Monday, August 26, 2013

Why I want to come back to South America

It has clearly reached me yesterday when we were sitting with a friend in park in Oslo. There was some food market and they had Argentinian empanadas bar, too. Suddenly we heard quite good singing from that direction. Really good voice singing tango. I identify the source with some difficulty.. there was inconspicuous guy in the glasses  surrounded by the rest of the bar staff. We have finished eating our thai stuff a minute after he has finished singing and aplauso of his audience was already the past. Nevertheless I felt it: I need to add my personal aplauso. Went there, said few words like: "no sabia que Carlos Gardel tienia descendientes en Noruega" (I did not know that Carlos Gardel - the tango singer star for ever with at least 3 countries claiming he was their citizen).. and I was their friend for ever, we hugged, we created new theory of the country of the origin of Gardel and quite a few steps from the stall all those "que te vaya bien, chula!", "ciao linda" where making me smile... Of course "for ever" in Argentina does not last too long but it has brighten up my day more than visiting great opera building in Olso. 

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