Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why do Chilean do not speak languages

Well.. basically the only situation in which they need English is when they want to hit on gringa (quite often) or understand a bit of the songs of Faith No More or other I-do-not-have-idea-why-so-popular music group (quite rare).  

Lets have a closer look.
The only job when they English is tourism. But as every Japanese or Europen tourist comes with some smart device with translator or at least with basic Spanish they can learn few sentences about the closest working ATM and tour rules or whatever sport they gonna teach you about in 2 minutes and they are settled.

No travel plans and if yes – the first country that doesn’t use Spanish is on  helluva away, on the other continent across the ocean (I am not sure if Chilean are aware of the existence of Canada, they do not have football team nor any Chilean colony there). 

But some of them of course do speak tough sometimes seems German, French and Chinese are more popular. The motives can vary from: hitting on gringas through internet, some certificate you need for your job, parting with some people that speak only English, living at the same flat with gringos or in the harbor city, finally some special hobbies (eg. playing online some cards games). This is all I collected by now.

I was just talking with few people on the subject and all of them seem to blame two things most:

- educational system here makes just bad teachers working, not only for English (two hours for a week), but in general, so if you do not know sth you better not ask or the professor is going to demonstrate how stupid you question is, they do not dare to ask than. Another thing is that the system here is based on writing everything, and you can start speaking English without actually talking, so they can read, but they are on the mute if you ask them sth in English, afraid that they gona fuck up pronunciation
- most chilenos stay in the same group for ever, they can understand quite a lot of English words but they can not show that they make any error as the others gonna laugh at them.. tienen verguenza.. they are most blocked nation in Sudamerica..  So they do not practice much unless really left alone face to face with the really nice foreigner (well.. at least they do practice in my presence).
Vicious circle it is and all the hope that it can change is in the beer&pisco.

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