Friday, July 5, 2013

Some remarks on the buying food today

So here we are in the nice peaceful neighborhood with a lot of little one floor houses and 3-5 bigger edificios. Let's sum up what you can buy in the place inhabited by ca 1000 people.
Plenty of the shops. Most of them officially selling everything "pollo verduras carne bebidas hay pan amasado alimentos" , charging phones, coping documents and so on..

  1. Pan alias bread. For 10 offering pan, it was available at 8.
  2. Verduras alas vegetables. In 4 from 6 offering you could buy potatoes, lemon, onion and few tomatoes. Not in the best state anyway. In one they have additionally had cauliflower, leek and lettuce. Mushrooms - forget it, paprika - no way, cabbage - why one would need to buy a cabbage, question "hay mas verduras" / "do you have any other veggies" was always taken as a kind of offence.
  3. Copies - none. 
  4. Recharge - have not dared to ask. It always work better in the chemistry.

Anyway - I already knew where to buy escudo (beer) and sweets. So came back home with one liter of tasty water, cauliflower, papas and eggs. No rissotto for me.

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